Artist’s Statement: My vision encompasses phenomena that mostly go unreported – the calligraphic character of canary grass, the painterly aspect of ferry fenders, the Mandelbrot pretentions of shells. The images originate as individual elements photographed in pursuit of an over-arching theme. Their messages become clearer as my muse assembles them on my screen. The emerging images take me where they want to go: Venetian masks representing the scaffolding hiding La Serenissima’s wrinkles while she applies her costly remedies; misshapen lichen announcing the forest’s distress; shoreline erosions metamorphosing into intricate sculpture. Delightful or disquieting, the images ultimately coalesce into a coherent narrative around the theme.
Bio: I started adult life in the world of engineering and electronics, but the discovery of photography in my early 20’s changed my life. Upon returning from technical assignments abroad, I quit my job and wound up working as a studio assistant to a highly successful commercial photographer, then moved into advertising before eventually embarking on a career as a freelance writer/designer. During this time I also attended the Philadelphia College of Art and subsequently the Instituto des Belles Artes in San Miguel Allende. While continuing my writing career, a deep and abiding love of the visual arts has led me to expand my own horizons into artistic expression via digital imaging.
Currently I live on Salt Spring Island, on the west coast of Canada, and take full advantage of the special nature of the place to expand my visual perception. As an avid kayaker, an international traveler, a keen birder and a lover of all things outdoors great and small, I am exposed to a wide variety of both natural and man-made influences which eventually find their way into my work.
- Gianfranco #9
- Homage a Rousseau